Grace is really teething at the moment.
It seems to be never ending.
Just as the poor little bubby has cut a brand spanking new pearly white and the pain and torment begins to subside another isn’t too far behind ready to inflict further punishment.
Most days Grace gets by with a beautiful smile and lots of giggles but we certainly have our cranky moments where the smallest of tasks and daily routine become quite the challenge.
On days like this and with an extra cranky bubby on my hands I try to stick to the foods I know Grace really loves. Pasta being one of her all time favourites.
Whether its smothered in sauce, drowned in pesto or laden with cheese Grace will happily gobble down the lions share of the italian staple. And today was no exception.
In between tears, cuddles, paracetamol and naps I stirred together this simple roasted pumpkin and feta pasta salad and was thankful to watch Grace free from pain (thanks to her gum gel) nestled in her high chair eagerly devouring her pasta salad for lunch.
Peace. For the moment anyway.
To create your own roasted pumpkin & feta pasta salad simply….
Start by chopping the pumpkin into small chunks and pop them onto a large baking tray lined with paper. Drizzle with a little olive oil and pop into a 180 degree celsius oven to bake for 20-25 minutes or until cooked and golden.
Meanwhile bring a large pot of salted water to the boil, add penne and cook according to packet instructions. Drain and rinse under a little cold water.
To assemble place the cooked penne, roasted pumpkin in a large bowl along with the baby spinach, feta, olive oil and lemon zest and juice. Toss to combine.
This salad make a delicious lunch or light supper and is wonderful for getting a healthy dose of vegetables into the kiddies (big and small)!
roasted pumpkin & feta pasta salad
1/4 pumpkin, chopped into small chunks
1 tablespoon olive oil
500 grams penne
200 grams baby spinach
120 grams feta, crumbled
zest and juice of 1 lemon
2 tablespoons extra virgin olive oil
Preheat oven to 180 degrees celsius (350 F). Arrange pumpkin on a large baking tray lined with baking paper, drizzle with olive oil and pop into the oven for 20-25 minutes or until cooked and golden. Meanwhile, bring a large pot of salted water to the boil and cook pasta according to packet instructions. Drain and rinse. In a large bowl place the pumpkin, pasta, baby spinach, feta, lemon zest & juice and olive oil and toss to combine. Enjoy! X
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Hi, is there any way to print your recipes?
I’ll need to find a widget to do that. Thanks for the suggestion. X
Hi, came across your wonderful site when I searched for baby led weaning ideas. I’m Loretta from Singapore. Was wondering if babies can consume raw vegetables? Even from 6 months on?
Thank you for sharing.
I gave this to my family for dinner tonight with some fried chicken and toasted pine nuts. The combination of all of the flavours worked so perfectly. I loved it!!